
J. Huang, L. Kong, X.-Y. Liu, W. Qu and G. Chen. A C++ library for tensor decomposition. International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2019. A C/C++ library for highly efficient and scalable tensor decompositions.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TenDeC++: Tensor Decomposition Library in C++

In TenDeC++, we implement four popular tensor decomposition methods, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition, Tucker decomposition, t-SVD, and Tensor-Train (TT) decomposition.



Users need the following packages:

  1. Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL): https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl

  2. Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW): http://www.fftw.org/

  3. OpenMP: https://www.openmp.org/

  4. cmake version 3.12 or greater: https://cmake.org/


We recommend users use TenDeC++ on Ubuntu and you can refer to the installation instructions in TenDeC++_Installation folder.

You need to add them to specific paths according to your CMakeLists.txt file.
For example, you can link MKL in CMakeLists.txt file like:

link_libraries(libmkl_core.a libmkl_blas95_ilp64.a libmkl_rt.so)  

User guide

Tensor basics
TenDeC++ provides basic tensor algebraic operations, such as addition and different multiplication methods. In TenDeC++, all third order tensors are objects of the Tensor3D template class. You can refer to Class list for more details. All matrix and vectors operations are provided by the third party library MKL.


Tensor3D<double> X(10,10,10);	// Create a tensor that all elements set to zero
X.random();                     // Random initialization
double* A = X.unfold(1);	// mode-1 unfolding  
double* B = X.unfold(2);	// mode-2 unfolding  
double* C = X.unfold(3);	// mode-3 unfolding  
CP decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS), which is realized in cp_als.cpp.

The decomposition components of CP is defined as:

template<class datatype>
class cp_format{
   datatype* factor[3];

The template parameter "datatype" represents the data type of tensor and be "double" and "float";
The factor is the matrix list of the corresponding CP decomposition.

You can call cp_als function like:

Tensor3D<double> X = X.random(10,10,10);
int rank = 3, max_iter = 1;
double tol = 1e-6
cp_format<double> A = cp_als(X, rank, max_iter,tol);    

where Tensor3D<datatype> represents the third-order tensor class.

Tucker decomposition
Tucker decomposition via Higher Order SVD (HOSVD), which is realized in tucker_hosvd.cpp.
Tucker decomposition via Higher Order Orthogonal Iteration (HOOI), which is realized in tucker_hooi.cpp.

The decomposition components of tucker is defined as:

template<class datatype>
class tucker_format{
   Tensor3D<datatype> core; datatype* factor[3];
where factor is the matrix list of the corresponding Tucker decomposition.

You can call hosvd function like:

Tensor3D<double> X = random(10,10,10);    
int ranks[3] = {2,2,2};
tucker_format<double> A = tucker_hosvd(X, ranks);    

You can call hooi function like:

Tensor3D<double> X = random(10,10,10);    
int ranks[3] = {2,2,2};
double tol = 1e-6;
tucker_format<double> A = tucker_hooi(X, ranks, tol);      
t-SVD decomposition
t-SVD algorithm is implemented in t-SVD.cpp.

The decomposition components of t-SVD is defined as:

template<class datatype>
class tsvd_format{
   Tensor3D<datatype> U, Sigma, V;

You can call tsvd function like:

Tensor3D<double> X = random(10,10,10);  
tsvd_format<double> A = tsvd_decomposition(X);      
Tensor Train decomposition
Tensor Train decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS), which is realized in train.h file in the Tensor-Train directory.

The decomposition components of tensortrain is defined as:

template<class type>
class tensortrain_format{
   Tensor3D<datatype> U;
   datatype* G1; datatype* G2;

You can call tensortrain decomposition like:

Tensor3D<double> X = random(10,10,10);  
double tol = 1e-6;
tensortrain_format<double> A = tensortrain_decomposition(X, tol);      

API reference

CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)

cp_format<datatype> cp_decomposition(Tensor3D<datatype>& tensor, int rank, int max_iter, datatype tol);

Source: CP decomposition is realized in cp_als.cpp.


tensor: the address of tensor; 
rank: int, number of components;   
max_iter: int, maximum number of iteration;   
tol: float, optional  
(Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the reconstruction error is less than tol.  


cp_format<datatype>: abstract data type(ADT) for the CP decomposition result.    
template<class datatype>  
class cp_format{  
    datatype* factor[3];  
where factor is the matrix list of the corresponding CP decomposition.   
Tucker decomposition via High Order SVD (HOSVD) and High-Order Orthogonal Iteration (HOOI)

tucker_format<datatype> tucker_hosvd(Tensor3D<datatype>& tensor, int ranks[3]);

Source: Tucker decomposition is realized in tucker_hosvd.cpp and tucker_hooi.cpp.


tensor: the address of tensor; 
ranks: int array; size of the core tensor, (len(ranks) == tensor.ndim);  

tucker_format<datatype> tucker_hooi(Tensor3D<datatype>& tensor, int ranks[3], int max_iter, datatype tol);


tensor: the address of tensor; 
int ranks[3]: size of the core tensor, (len(ranks) == tensor.ndim);  
init : {‘svd’, ‘random’}, optional;  
tol : float, optional  
tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance  


tucker_format<datatype>: abstract data type(ADT) for the Tucker decomposition result.    
template<class datatype>    
class tucker_format{  
   Tensor3D<datatype> core; datatype* factor[3];   
t-SVD decomposition

tsvd_decomposition<datatype> tsvd(Tensor3D<datatype>& tensor);

Source: t-SVD is realized in t-SVD.cpp.


tensor: the address of tensor; 


tsvd_format<type>: abstract data type(ADT) for the t-SVD decomposition result.    
class tsvd_format{  
   Tensor3D<datatype> U, Sigma, V;  

For more details, please refer to the corresponding source files, where all definitations and corresponding illustrations is provied therein.

Tensor Train decomposition

tensortrain_decomposition<datatype> tensortrain_decomposition(Tensor3D<datatype>& tensor, datatype tol);

Source: Tensor Train decomposition is realized in Tensor-Train/train.h.


tensor: the address of tensor; 
tol: tolerance;


tensortrain_format<datatype>: abstract data type(ADT) for the Tensor Train decomposition result.    
class tensortrain_format{  
   Tensor3D<datatype> U;    
   datatype* G1;
   datatype* G2;  
Functions of Tensors
Functions Description
inner Generalised inner products between tensors
element_wise Generalised element-wise products between tensors
n_mode_prod n-mode product of a tensor and a matrix or vector at the specified mode
t_prod t-product between tensors

Class list

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:

Tensor3D In TenDeC++, all third order tensors are objects of the Tensor3D template class. You can refer to Tensor3D.h file.
Data Members

int shape[3]; // the dimension of the third order tensor;
datatype * p; // a pointer point to tensor.

Public Member Functions
Member Functions Description
frobenius_norm the Frobenius norm of tensors
size Get the dimension of tensor
slice Return specific slice of tensor
tens2mat Returns the mode-mode unfolding of tensor with modes starting at 0
mat2tens Refolds the mode-mode unfolding into a tensor of shape shape
tens2vec Vectorises a tensor
vec2tens Folds a vectorised tensor back into a tensor of shape shape
Public Member Functions
Member Functions Description
cp_to_tensor Turns the Khatri-product of matrices into a full tensor
cp_to_unfolded Turns the khatri-product of matrices into an unfolded tensor
cp_to_vec Turns the khatri-product of matrices into a vector
cp_gen Generate a r-rank CP tensor
Public Member Functions
Member Functions Description
tucker_to_tensor Converts the Tucker tensor into a full tensor
tucker_to_unfolded Converts the Tucker decomposition into an unfolded tensor
tucker_to_vec Converts a Tucker decomposition into a vectorised tensor
Public Member Functions
Member Functions Description
tsvd_to_tensor Converts the t-SVD tensor into a full tensor
tsvd_to_unfolded Converts the t-SVD decomposition into an unfolded tensor
tsvd_to_vec Converts a t-SVD decomposition into a vectorised tensor
Public Member Functions
Member Functions Description
tt_to_tensor Converts the TT tensor into a full tensor
tt_to_unfolded Converts the TT decomposition into an unfolded tensor
tt_to_vec Converts a TT decomposition into a vectorised tensor


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