
External tools and features used in McGillX courses

Primary LanguageHTML

EdX McGillX Course Features

Front-End External tools and features used in McGillX courses. These tools have been embedded within McGillX courses. All of these tools can be easily be implemented in edX studio.

These features are part of:



This is an example of a custom python problem embedded within an HTML table. In this example, students need to fill in the values within a table. The code is either looking for numerical values (within a threshold) or looking for specific keywords in their answer.


Removes alphabetical characters from answers and converts commas to decimal places.


Creates multiline textboxes for questions that require larger amounts of text.


Displays the question text inline with the dropdown menu for selecting answer options.



Google form for students submitting scores and Google Doc spreadsheet embedded for displaying the top scores for the course. These two features are integrated within the same static page on edX.


Zeemaps integration for ATOC185x within edX. We used custom icons, legend and settings for display. Zeemaps is a tool that allows students to contribute to a single common world map by placing geolocalised pins on a map. They can add descriptive content to the map such as text, video, images, etc.


CHEM181x integration of Rebel Mouse within a static page. This page is a newsfeed about various food movements around the world. Rebel Mouse is a content aggregator that allows you to display content from various social media feeds according to selected filters. RebelMouse creates your social front page, building a dynamic site around what you share.


CHEM181x integration of Storify within a static page. This page is a list of student discussion posts compiled by course staff about various topics. Storify is a social network service that lets the user create stories or timelines using social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


CHEM181x integration of ThingLink within a static page. ThingLink aggregates images in an interactive tool with pop text associated with images. https://www.thinglink.com/



Enriched sidebar for ATOC185x and CHEM181x. Contains a UTC clock for students to be able to sync their local time with the deadlines within your course. Also contains profile pictures from profs and TAs, icons for handouts, links to discussion posts for profs and TAs, etc.


Syllabus with HTML formatting, bio pics, images and icons and a detailed HTML calendar for the course.


Html of collapsible content, great for displaying additional information/directions. Paste the html into the raw html of an edX content block.


Collapsible transcript with custom css.


McGillX Custom Faq & Help. Built using jQuery. It consists for frequently asked questions, compiled pinned posts and other useful information organized by horizontal tabs and vertical accordions. Written instructions and how-to videos.