🔥 tkintertools-demos

All official demos for tkintertools package

🚀 tkintertools: https://github.com/Xiaokang2022/tkintertools

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📑 Demos - tkt 3


The demos here are all developed by tkintertools 3, they are all experimental versions, there may be some bugs, just for reference
此处的 demo 均由 tkintertools 3 开发,都是实验版本,可能存在一些 bug,仅供参考

0️⃣ Basic Test

2️⃣ Simple Game

8️⃣ 3D Test


The demo requires the installation of the full tkintertools optional dependency package and all extension packages, and the latest commit of tkintertools (not 3.0.0.rc1)
该 demo 需要安装完整的 tkintertools 可选依赖包及全部扩展包,并保证 tkintertools 为最新的提交(并非 3.0.0.rc1

📑 Projects - tkt 2


The projects here are all developed by tkintertools 2 and are mostly bug-free, but since tkintertools 2 is no longer being updated, it is likely that they will not get any updates at all
此处的项目均由 tkintertools 2 开发,基本不存在 bug,但由于 tkintertools 2 不再得到更新,因此它们大概率也不会再得到任何更新

1️⃣ Intelligent Magic Cube

Watchers Forks Stars Issues Pull Requests Discussions

2️⃣ Chinese Chess

Watchers Forks Stars Issues Pull Requests Discussions

3️⃣ Super Gobang

Watchers Forks Stars Issues Pull Requests Discussions

4️⃣ Todo List

Watchers Forks Stars Issues Pull Requests Discussions