A Python and PyTorch developer, deep-learning worker and open-source activist. I like python. Python can do anything.
- 📕 My Resume (PDF)1
- 📝 I regulary write articles on https://www.yuque.com/lart
- 💬 Ask me about Python, PyTorch in ISSUES
- ⚡ Fun fact I am a boy.
- 1 paper accepted in CVPR 2022 (25.33%[2067/8161])
- 1 paper accepted in AAAI 2022 (~15%[1349/9020]).
- 1 paper accepted in ACMMM 2021 (1 Oral ~9%[179/1942]).
- 3 paper accepted in ECCV 2020 (1 Oral ~2%[104/5025]).
- 1 paper accepted in CVPR 2020.
- PyTorchTricks, Some tricks of pytorch... ⭐
- New:rocket::rocket::rocket: MethodsCmp, A simple toolkit for counting the FLOPs/MACs, Parameters and FPS of the model.
- Practical:wrench: PySODEvalToolkit, A Python-based salient object detection and video object segmentation evaluation toolbox.
- Practical:wrench: PySODMetrics, A simple and efficient implementation of SOD metrcis.
- PyLoss, Some loss functions for deeplearning.
- OpticalFlowBasedVOS, A simple and efficient codebase for the optical flow based video object segmentation.
- CoSaliencyProj, A project for co-saliency detection. Some codes are borrowed from ICNet. Thanks to ICNet Intra-saliency Correlation Network for Co-Saliency Detection (NIPS2020)~
Usefull tools for your deeplearning project.
- RunIt, A simple program scheduler for your code on different devices.
- RegisterIt, Register it: A more flexible register for the DeepLearning project.
Based on the template from https://github.com/billryan/resume/. ↩