
Primary LanguagePython


To the best of my knowledge, this is the first pytorch implementation for ARG(antibiotic resistance genes) detection, it is inspired by HMD-ARG. And this revised version has higher accuracy than HMD-ARG or Deep-ARG reported in [1].


  • Python == 3.8
  • Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/Xiaoqiong-Liu/ConvARG.git
  • Create a new environment
conda create -n arg python=3.8 # I use python 3.8 in my experiment
conda activate arg
conda install pytorch=1.12.1 torchvision=0.13.1 torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

pip install bio-datasets
conda install numpy
conda install pandas


  • To reproduce the reported test accuracy(0.97+), you could train a new model or simply use the pretrained model under ./repoistory.
python test.py


  • Run below command to train
python train.py


Method Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score
ConvARG (Ours) 0.972 1.0 0.98 0.99
HMD-ARG 0.948 0.939 0.971 0.948
DeepARG 0.965 0.998 0.93 0.963
CARD 0.71 0.999 0.421 0.592


[1] Li, Yu et al. “HMD-ARG: hierarchical multi-task deep learning for annotating antibiotic resistance genes.” Microbiome 9 (2021): n. pag.