This repo is the InfraSIM documentation's source code ( )
- if you are a user of InfraSIM and would like to find documents, Please go to:
- if you are going to contribute the the InfraSIM's documents, you can refer to follow below steps , which explain how to edit and build the documentation on a local system.
Create a virtualenv and set up the requirements.
virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate cd docs pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the HTML documentation in the _build directory.
cd docs make html
To automatically rebuild the documentation as you update the documentation files.
cd docs sphinx-autobuild -H -p 8000 . _build/html
Access the documentation by navigating to
Prerequisites: Ensure that Sphinx, Python, and a Sphinx-supported editor is installed on the system. (The project team uses Atom as the editor.) For Pythin, install with the default location and components.
Clone the docs repository from Github to your system.
Install and set up the virtualenv
c:\python27\scripts\pip install virtualenv c:\python27\scripts\virtualenv .venv .venv\scripts\activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the HTML documentation.
venv\scripts\activate cd docs .\make.bat html
Access the documentation in a browser.
.venv\scripts\activate cd docs start .\_build\html\index.html
Preview the changes , by automatically rebuilding the documentation as you make changes.
sphinx-autobuild -H -p 8000 . _build/html
Access the documentation by navigating to
you don't need to do anything. After your Pull Request gets merged into "docs" repository, CI(Continous Intergration) will push and update the online docs( for you .