What is vpduserv?

vpduserv is a service that is trying to emulate the behaviors of physical PDU (Power Distribution Unit), it provides ability to power on/off/cycle virtual nodes in virtual infrastructre.


# python setup.py install 

How to run vpduserv

vpduserv could be run on any linux-based operating system, but prior to starting vpduserv, you should have the following python packages installed:

pysnmp pyasn1 snmpsim sshim

  1. Launch vPDU service

    infrasim-pduserv.py -d --logging-method=file:/var/log/pdusim/pdusim.log
  2. Login into vPDU control interface with ssh to configure vPDU

    ssh <vPDU IP address> -p 20022

Note: As to how to use vPDU, please reference vPDU Simulation section in infrasim user guide for more details.