
code for NeurIPS_competition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the PyTorch code to reproduce our submission to the NeurIPS 2021 BEETL Competition.

This repository uses PyTorch + PyTorch Lightning as the training framework. We have made every attempt to ensure reproducible results (for example, using Pytorch-Lightning's seed_everything). While we were able to reproduce results on the same machine, we observed slight differences in final submission accuracies (~0.5%) across different machines. Please see this page for more info regarding PyTorch and reproducibility.


We use Anaconda as our Python distribution and Linux as our OS. We also assume that the user has an NVIDIA GPU with >= 4GB memory, preferably a recent RTX-series GPU.

First, create a new conda environment with

conda create --name beetl python=3.8 anaconda=2021.05
conda install pytorch==1.8.1 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda activate beetl

Then, install the remaining dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the code

The code to run our experiments can be found in EEG_Lightning/submission. We provide brief overviews of our approaches to Task 1 and Task 2 here; more details can be found in our 2-page submission document.

Task 1

Briefly speaking, our solution to Task 1 uses DeepSleep as the neural network backbone. We train a feature extractor and classifier on the combined source and target datasets. In stage 2, we only fine tune the classifier layer on the target dataset with a lower learning rate to learn the specific information of the dataset.

  1. For Task 1, edit the following lines of generate_task_1_data.py with the path to the SleepSource and FinalSleep directories, respectively.
  2. In a new terminal, go to EEG_Lightning/submission/task_1_script and edit the following line of task_1_script.sh with the path to this repository on your system.
  3. Activate the beetl conda environment, and train the model with bash task_1_script.sh Training time is approximately 1.5-2 hours on an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti.
  4. Go to EEG_Lightning/submission, edit the following line of process_predict_task_1.py with the path to /submission/task_1 and run the script via python process_predict_task_1.py.
  5. The prediction file will be found at EEG_Lightning/submission/util/task_1/answer.txt

Task 2

For this task we use EEGNet as the neural network backbone, and use Euclidean Alignment (EA) and Label Alignment (LA), which are both transfer learning techniques developed for EEG-based BCIs. We apply LA to align the signal of similar categories between the source datasets and the target dataset. We also apply EA to make the data distribution between different subjects in the source data and the subject in the target dataset more similar. We train one common EEGNet feature extractor for the source datasets and the target dataset. However, each dataset has its own classifier layer due to each dataset different label spaces. We also apply maximum classifier discrepancy domain adaptation.

  1. For Task 2, edit the following line of generate_task_2_data.py with the path to the FinalMI directory. The rest of the datasets (BCI IV 2A, Cho2017, Physionet) are assumed to be in ~/mne_data as they have been downloaded using MOABB/BEETL tools.
  2. In a new terminal, go to EEG_Lightning/submission/task_2_script and edit the following line with the path to this repository on your system.
  3. Activate the beetl conda environment, and train the model with bash task_2_script.sh. Training time is approximately 45 min - 1 hour on an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti.
  4. Go to EEG_Lightning/submission, edit the following line of process_predict_task_2.py with the path to /submission/task_2 and run the script via python process_predict_task_2.py.
  5. The prediction file will be found at EEG_Lightning/submission/util/task_2/answer.txt