
Grab Douban Annotations 豆瓣读书笔记备份下载脚本

Primary LanguagePython

DoubanAnnotationGrabber 豆瓣读书笔记备份导出下载脚本

利用Scrapy 导出用户全部读书笔记到一个xml文件中。


To install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the script

scrapy crawl annotation -a username=<douban_username>

To change the output file path

Find your username http://www.douban.com/people//

By default it outputs to annotations.xml in the same folder. The FEED_URI can be changed in settings.py or by specifying it in the command when running the script.

scrapy crawl annotation -a username=<douban_username> -o <output_filepath>

Known Issues

  • 经导出后豆瓣读书笔记的<原文开始>tag变为&gt; 。就先这么看吧还凑合。
  • 开头有个parsing exception,没具体看谁造成的回头再修吧。