
python udp,can iap tool

Primary LanguagePython


Robot controller In Application program tools.

Table of Contents


  • Python 3.6.x

Char Device

All the char stream device can be abstracted as a chardev. For example, UDP, TCP, CAN, UART, SPI, etc. Methods in CharDev are shown as follow:

  • open()
  • close()
  • write()
  • read()
  • ioctl()

UDP Char Device

IAP Device

There is an abstract base class for IAP Device. Methods in IapDevice are shown as follow:

  • jumptoaddr(addr)
  • getbootloaderversion()
  • loadbin(filename, addr)
  • readbin(filename, addr)
  • readuint32(valueaddr, value)
  • loaduint32(blockstartaddr, valueaddr, value)
  • confirmack()
  • forwardwrite(bytes)
  • restorebootoption(blockstartaddr)

And some static methods:

  • getxor(bytes)
  • getbytesfromuint32(bytes)
  • isallbytes0xff(bytes)

And some other methods that related with second class device:

  • setforwardmode()
  • exitforwardmode()
  • settargetboardtobootloader()
  • resettargetboard()

Basic Test Case

Base function test, including:

  1. jumptest. Set target board to bootloader and jump back to application layer.
  2. readtest. Read code from target board and jump back to application layer.


