A Parallel C++ Time-Domain Boundary Element code for elastodynamics analysis of solids;
- MPI for parallel programing;
- Petsc for solving large-scale linear equation system;
- Results can be written in VTK format and visualized with paraview;
- Regularization by Extracting the hyper-singular part of the Green's function;
- Singluar transformation for weakly-singluar element;
- Time marching with weighted collocation and higher-order projection;
- Step 1: Specify the directories of include and library for MPI and PETSC in the CMakeFile
- Step 2: mkdir build; cd build;
- Step 3: cmake ..; make
- mpirun -np 2 ./TD-BEM inputfile.txt
- Example of inputfile can be found in folder named "Geometry"
- Output the boundary element matrices from the main()
- Use the FE-BE code to do FE-BE coupling