Valkyrie LoL Deployable Resources

This is the repository with valkyrie data (images, jsons, scripts etc) which is deployed to each user computer.

Some rules before you start modifying stuff

  • If you modify core scripts/helper modules please make sure you test throughly that you did not broke anything
  • Do not manually modify the following files SpellCalculations.json, ItemData.json, SkinInfo.json these files are automatically updated
  • Please respect the coding formatting/style used when modifying scripts
  • More rules will probably come based on what stupid things some people will attempt

Directory structure

├───CoreScripts (Here are the valkyrie core scripts (orbwalker, spell tracker etc). All core script begin with 'vk_' by convention)
│       ''''''
│       ...
└───Deployable (This is the folder that its downloaded in %APPDATA%\Valkyrie on users machines)
    │   'changelog.txt'  # Simple text file with stuff thats been changed from version to version'vfont.ttf'      # The font used in the menu (Later this might be moved to a directory to allow multiple fonts)
    ├───configs (This must remain empty)
    ├───data (Data used by the cheat)
    │       ''       # Icons with champions''        # Other icons''       # Icons with spells'ItemData.json'          # Json item data (this is always updated automatically)'SkinInfo.json'          # Json skin data for skin changer (this is always updated automatically)'SpellCalculations.json' # Json spell calculations formulas and values used by (this is always updated automatically)'SpellData.json'         # Json with spell data a.k.a spell db (since auto updating doesnt work properly on this we must manually adjust the values)'UnitData.json'          # Json with unit data (same story as with spelldata)'WallMask.bin'           # 512x512 grid representing all walkable/wall points in summoners rift
    ├───dependencies (Dlls that are required for valkyrie to run)
    │       'aws-c-common.dll''aws-c-event-stream.dll''aws-checksums.dll'
    │       ...
    ├───docs (Here you can find the python scripting API docs. It is updated automatically)
    │       'docs.html' # valkyrie module docs generated with python pdoc package
    ├───payload (Here the valkyrie DLL sits)
        └───helpers (Helper modules that are imported by normal scripts)
                ''      # Damage lib, this module reads SpellCalculations.json and provides damage calculations, although champion spells must still be bound manually to the formula
                ''     # Utils for drawing stuff
                ''        # Utils for communicating between scripts
                ''       # Utils for input handling
                ''        # Utils for item specific logic
                ''   # Utils for prediction (the core prediction still sits in valkyrie dll)
                ''       # Utils for spells
                ''    # Utils for unit targeting
                ''    # Easy to use templates for reusing logic (ex: ChampionScript)