
ELC New Web

Primary LanguageCSS

#ELC : Todo

Please note that first load is pretty slow..as for now. Aku cadang prerender/prefetch page je nanti. (native/script(default/on hover)) Lepas tu manage js dengan requireJS. http://requirejs.org/

-Amek Calendar

-Buat ng-repeat @ educators

-Stylekan navbar

-Repair menu @ mobile

-Repair footer

-Repair title ng-bind

-Buang < br >

-Animate profile card satu-satu with delay

-Repair animation @ About page

-Use ng-animate instead of pure css

-Typeahead search

-SmoothScroll utk Contact & Program

-Footer dengan map background..rajin?

#Kalau sempat/rajin Buat theme versi gelap, nightmode

#Final -Buat welcoming note guna introjs.

-Buang bloated css @ Bootstrap & FontAwesome

-Minify all file

-Check pageSpeed

-Maybe maybe maybe guna http://prerender.io untuk SEO page. (need help)