- 2
xblas_gemv implementation
#12 opened by ramcn - 0
Why Multi_Instruction API doesn't support fp32?
#11 opened by kkangle - 0
Issues running with SDAccel 2018.3
#10 opened by VladimirEremin - 7
- 1 command not found
#9 opened by adki - 3
how to use gemx library
#8 opened by Partha97dey - 2
Problem compiling Gemx
#6 opened by huntoona - 3
Measure the time of each step
#5 opened by ZhaoBaofu - 3
can't get correct frequency
#4 opened by ZhaoBaofu - 2
multiple definition of `kernelOpLow'
#3 opened by luckyteddy - 10
Error: Missing DSA or platform repo. Stop.
#1 opened by liyb13 - 1
Problem with compiling Gemx
#2 opened by khaleghzadeh