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How to run simulation on VCK5000 board?
#2020 opened by micropuma - 1
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problem with distribution in memory tile
#1999 opened by antonio-fc - 0
Inconsistent output
#2027 opened by antonio-fc - 4
Issue with README installation instructions
#2011 opened by mpardalos - 4
trying to implement mean for large data array
#2016 opened by antonio-fc - 1
Inquiring the clock frequency of NPU in the Hawk Point and Strix Point miniPCs
#2017 opened by ngdymx - 0
Softmax programming example occasionally fails testing
#2014 opened by fifield - 1
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Add python 3.13 in release
#2006 opened by KEKE046 - 8
Some questions about the number of Compute tiles?
#1964 opened by ngdymx - 1
Issue with XDNA™ Driver Installation: GitLab URL Missing and Black Screen on Step 5
#2003 opened by thhongee - 0
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Could not run Programming Examples on HX 370
#1946 opened by ngdymx - 0
Allow choosing allocation scheme per tile
#1985 opened by AndraBisca - 1
Make RTP's atomic by generating a lock and changing it's state in the runtime_sequence
#1938 opened by jgmelber - 0
Potential Errors with Linking Object FIFO's with different sizes with Transfomations
#1980 opened by iavssw - 3
Iterating multiple times over a buffer object
#1976 opened by antonio-fc - 4
Memory Tile usage
#1974 opened by antonio-fc - 0
Failed to build mlir-aie for VCK5000 board
#1977 opened by micropuma - 1
Dynamic Object-FIFO lowering not functional
#1884 opened by andrej - 1
Error when running whole_array
#1954 opened by AJ-RR - 4
Refine Python API
#1806 opened by hunhoffe - 2
Add python documentation to TensorTiler source code
#1923 opened by hunhoffe - 2
application kernel call argument limit error
#1967 opened by antonio-fc - 0
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Building matmul single-core with trace enabled leads to intermittent failures
#1957 opened by jackl-xilinx - 0
Programming Guide Small error fixes
#1939 opened by sezgin1947 - 0
"Per column" device types for `npu2` (Strix)
#1949 opened by jgmelber - 3
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Move hardcoded MemTile offsets for buffers and locks from AIERT.cpp to TargetModel
#1937 opened by jgmelber - 5
Build issue in tutorial2-a
#1903 opened by kimm240 - 1
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Link to tutorial doesn't work
#1928 opened by AJ-RR - 2
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How to execute a VCK5000-based mlir-tutorial?
#1838 opened by shibizhao - 3
test_utils target does not appear to be set correctly
#1849 opened by hunhoffe - 0
Port PR #807 from iree-amd-aie
#1857 opened by jsetoain - 4
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How to convert AFFine to AIEvecde?
#1833 opened by pyl3000 - 1
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All example kernels execution result in `ERT_CMD_STATE_ERROR` on the Windows host
#1757 opened by fxmarty-amd