
It's like Porth which itself is like Forth, but in C.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


It's like Porth, which itself is like Forth, but in C. This project came in my brain when I discovered Tsoding and it's Porth videos. I have to practice C for school purposes, so why not doing so while creating (rather copying) a programming language ? At least, I can work with files, error handling, debugging, assembly code, etc ... In addition, it will help me to understand how a programming language does work. I share this project to you the same way Tsoding did for me.


Corth is planned to be :

  • Compiled
  • Native
  • Stack based (just like Porth and Forth)
  • Turing-complete (Rule 110)
  • Statically typed
  • Self-hosted


  • Fix the lexer about handling \r\n (Win) AND \n (Unix)
  • Fix the compiler about printing negative numbers. (Ex : -10 -> /0)

Quick Start


Simulation simply interprets the program.

$ cat program.corth
34 35 + .
$ ./corth sim program.corth


Compilation generates assembly code which can be compiled using NASM and linked with ld. So make sure you have them installed.

$ cat program.corth
34 35 + .
$ ./corth com program.corth
$ nasm -felf64 output.asm -o output.o
$ ld output.o -o output
$ ./output

Language Reference

This is what the language supports so far. Since the language is a work in progress, some operations are subject to change.

Stack manipulation

  • <integer> : pushes the integer onto the stack. Right now, it's the only kind of thing that can be parsed by the lexer as number.
push(stack, <integer>)
  • "<string>" : pushes the string's length and then the string's address onto the stack.
push(stack, strlen(<string>))
push(stack, &<string>)
  • pop : pops the element at the top of the stack. (Not returned yet)
  • dup : duplicates an element on the top of the stack.
a = pop(stack)
push(stack, a)
push(stack, a)
  • dump : pops the element at the top of the stack to print it to the stdout.
a = pop(stack)

Arithmetics (Example file)

  • + : sums up two elements at the top of the stack.
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(stack, a + b)
  • - : substracts two elements at the top of the stack.
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(stack, b - a)

Bitwise (Example file)

  • shr
shifter = pop(stack)
shifted = pop(stack)
push(shifter >> shifted)
  • shl
shifter = pop(stack)
shifted = pop(stack)
push(shifted << shifter)
  • orb
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(a | b)
  • andb
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(a & b)


  • !=, =, <, <=, >= and > : pops two elements from the top of the stack, compares them, and pushes either 0 if the condition is not fulfilled or 1 if it is.

Control Flow

  • if <then-branch> else <else-branch> end : pops the element at the top of the stack and check if it's value is not 0 to execute the <then-branch>, otherwise it runs the <else-branch>. (Example file)
  • while <condition> do <body> end : keeps executing both <condition> and <body> until <condition> produces 0 at the top of the stack. To check the result of the <condition>, the last element of the stack is poped. (Example file)
  • halt : pops the elements at the top of the stack as an exit status, then quits the program. Replaced by the syscallN feature. See ### System.

Memory (Example file)

  • mem : pushes the address of the beginning of the readable/writable memory onto the stack.
  • over : duplicates the element just before the one at the top of the stack.
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(stack, b)
push(stack, a)
push(stack, b)
  • swap : swaps the two elements at the top of the stack.
a = pop(stack)
b = pop(stack)
push(stack, a)
push(stack, b)
  • store : stores a given byte to the given mem address.
byte = pop(stack)
address = pop(stack)
store(address, byte)
  • load : loads a byte from a given mem address.
address = pop(stack)
byte = laod(address)
push(stack, byte)


  • syscallN : perform a syscall (according to this convention) which requires N arguments such as 0 <= N <= 6.
rax = pop(stack) # The syscall ID, must be here anyway.
rdi = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.
rsi = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.
rdx = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.
r10 = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.
r8 = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.
r9 = pop(stack) # if N is enough high.

Example : show the 3 first character of the mem into the stdout.

3        // rdx
mem      // rsi
1        // rdi
1        // rax
syscall3 // This syscall has 3 arguments.