
This is the coding challenge of Fetch Rewards

Primary LanguageKotlin

Pyramid Coding Challenge

This is the coding challenge of Fetch Rewards.

Author: Xin Jiang

Email: xin@jiangx.in

Link to My Resume


Write a web service that takes in a string and returns a boolean to indicate whether or not a word is a pyramid word. A word is pyramid word if you can arrange the letters in increasing frequency, starting with 1 and counting without gaps and without duplicates.


This project is using Kotlin and Spring Boot. It has a Application class and one controller called isPyramid, which is a GET method.

This is a maven project and runs on port 10010.

This project assumes you input a valid, not null string with only letters. i.e., a valid "word".


The controller will first compute the frequency for each word using HashMap. This takes O(N) of time.

Then the sorting will take constant time since there is a maximum of 26 keys in the HashMap.

Then it iterates through the sorted map to determine whether it is a pyramid word. This also takes constant time.

So the overall time complexity is O(N).

Usage and Testing

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/XinJiangCN/Fetch-Rewards

Install the dependencies:

mvn clean install

Maven should be installed

Start the App:

mvn spring-boot:run

Note: port 10010 must be available

Open a web browser and test:


where TARGET is the string you may want to test.

The web page will simply display whether the given string is a pyramid word.