
A sample project that integrates Qt's Meta Object System with CEF.

Primary LanguageCMake

Qt Meta Object With Cef

This is a sample project that integrates Qt's Meta Object System with CEF. (Only Tested under Linux)


  • Supports passing any JSON stringifiable JS value to C++, namely

    • number (C++ number types(int, uint, float, double, etc), or the corresponding C++ enum member)
    • string (QString)
    • null (empty QVariantMap)
    • undefined (empty QVariantMap)
    • array (QVariantList, or QStringList)
    • boolean (C++ bool)
    • object (QVariantMap)
  • Supports overloaded Qt slots.

  • Requires greater type strictness than Qt WebKit; not as many implicit-cast as Qt WebKit.

    For example, Javascript number 1 is not considered C++ boolean true, and such attempt will result in promise's rejection on the JS side. However if this behavior is very desired, you can implement it in cg.js fairly easily.

  • Wraps Qt Slot calls with ES6 Promises.

  • Wraps Qt Signal emissions with event handlers.

  • C++ enums are partially supported. See Limitations below.


  • The webview's bridge(or channel you may call), must be able to be compiled alone, without the WebView. This is because in this implementation, the bridge's meta information is determined before compile-time, instead of run-time.

  • You'll need to manually name all relevant C++ enums in cg.js.

  • Class forward cannot be used in bridge.h, if you have a QObject under the entrance Bridge object.

  • Assumes all Qt slots' invocation happens on the CEF's BrowserProcess.

How to use

  1. Generate a file describing bridge's structure.

    Compile CMake target QtMoExtractor, and run

    mkdir QtSample/cg
    ./QtMoExtractor > QtSample/cg/Bridge.def
  2. Generate the codes that bridges Qt and CEF

    cd QtSample
    node --harmony --harmony_destructuring ./cg.js
  3. Compile CMake target Application

  4. Run

    ./Application --no-sandbox


  • CEF >= Branch 2623, equivalent to Chrome 49
  • C++14 compiler (With a few tweaks, this can be relaxed to C++11)
  • Recent versions of NodeJS
  • Qt5


Do whatever you want with it.