
Sovle forward kinematics and inverse kinematics for Universal Robot UR3/5/10. This script supports UR type information and ROS type information (Pose).

Primary LanguagePython


This python script provides analytical solutions of forward kinematics and inverse kinematics for Universal Robot UR3/5/10. Both UR format and ROS Pose format are supported in inverse kinematics.


Python 2.7.12
numpy 1.11.0
ROS 16.04


Assign an indicator of your robot model to ROBOT at line 26 of kinematics.py:
UR10: 'UR10'
UR5: 'UR5'
UR3: 'UR3'


Forward Kinematics

You can use an arg o_unit='p' to get an output in ROS Pose format.

from kinematics import *

print "Unit: radian"
current_joint = [1.7499912646190512, -1.8984856736217983, -1.190571570471343, 0.21869218174224894, 2.9533489836072846, 0.45469538502275836]

print "SE(3) in numpy.array format"
print fwd_kin(current_joint)

print "SE(3) in ROS Pose format"
print fwd_kin(current_joint, o_unit='p')

Inverse Kinematics

You can use an arg o_unit='d' to get an output in degree unit.

from kinematics import *

print "Unit: radian"
desired_solution = [1.7499912644507227, -1.8984856734885085, -1.1905715707581692, 0.21869218099676013, 2.9534288849387984, 0.45469538414663446]

target_pose = [-0.062216135428015254, 0.7551066318135237, 0.8528777013335628, -1.3064880201804807, -1.078867334463253, 1.371140938984445]

print "Joint values in radian"
print inv_kin(target_pose, desired_solution)

print "Joint values in degree"
print inv_kin(target_pose, desired_solution, o_unit='d')

If your input is in degree unit ...

Just add an arg: i_unit='d'.

fwd_kin(current_joint, i_unit='d')
inv_kin(target_pose, desired_solution, i_unit='d')


Both inputs of UR format [X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ] and ROS Pose format are supported in inv_kin().


Please feel free to propose issues or contact me.