
Official released code for paper title "DETAIL: Task DEmonsTration Attribution for Interpretable In-context Learning"

Primary LanguagePython

Generalizing Influence to Demontration Attribution in In-context Learning


  • For running the MNIST experiment, install the conda environment jax_env.yml and run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python mnist_data_attr.py
  • For running the LLM experiments, install the conda environment torch_env.yml and run the programs described in script.sh
  • To analyze the results, use analyzer.ipynb.


Parts of the code are referenced from the following repositories

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      title={DETAIL: Task DEmonsTration Attribution for Interpretable In-context Learning}, 
      author={Zijian Zhou and Xiaoqiang Lin and Xinyi Xu and Alok Prakash and Daniela Rus and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low},