
Is the current evaluation offline?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

dx118 commented

Hi Xinyu,
I wonder if the current evaluation code runs totally offline? and will the rnn hidden state be reused when running online evaluation?


Yes, I find that it's the offline version. Maybe later today or tomorrow I'll update the live demo codes. You can check that.

dx118 commented

ah, thank you

Hi, please check the livedemo branch

Run Live Demo with Noitom IMUs (recommended)
Why recommend Noitiom IMUs, but not Xense Bot. Is there any performance difference?
Xsens Bot is BLE protocal, How about Noitiom IMUs?

Run Live Demo with Noitom IMUs (recommended) Why recommend Noitiom IMUs, but not Xense Bot. Is there any performance difference? Xsens Bot is BLE protocal, How about Noitiom IMUs?

In my experiments, I find that Noitom IMUs better leverage the magnetic measurement and thus do not suffer from pose drift (See the video where we sit on a chair for half an hour and the system can perform well using Noitom sensors). But Xsens drifts largely in orientation measurements and need frequent heading reset. This is just my own experiences. You can try the different sensors.

Will PIP live demo influenced by the magnetic environment? If yes, how to make the live demo better?

Yes, it will be affected by magnetic field. You should perform magnetic calibration for all your IMUs together before using PIP. Typically, this is achieved by rotating the sensors in all directions (e.g. drawing 8). This should be provided by the IMU manufacturer.