
How dd you evaluate the performance of pip without physics-based optimizer

drlxj opened this issue · 2 comments

drlxj commented


I want to evaluate performance without the physics-based optimizer, particularly to assess its impact on positional accuracy. Thus, in your code, I replace pose_opt with the pose variable calculated in line 93, but couldn't find the replacement for tran_opt. Could you provide more details on the implementation of the ablation study? Thanks.

Screenshot from 2023-07-22 14-59-52

Yes, you can directly use "pose" to replace "pose_opt". But the network did not estimate translation, so there is nothing you can replace "tran_opt" with. If you want an approximate estimation, you may integrate the "joint_velocity" and discard all non-root joints' velocity. But that will lead to significant foot sliding as physics is not applied.

The translation is calculated in the physics module by leveraging all joints' velocity, contacts, pose, and physics.