
Duplicate getUTF8Width definition in lewisxhe/GxEPD causes compile errors

carl3 opened this issue · 3 comments

carl3 commented

There are compile errors because getUTF8Width() has duplicate definitions in the lewisxhe/GxEPD fork mentioned as a prerequisite. There is a pull request from that fixes the bug by commenting out the duplicate definitions.

The issue cannot be reported on the lewisxhe/GxEPD fork because issues are disabled.

If you get this compile error, then you would need to use the version.

reppr commented

This issue caused me a lot of troubles...

Why are issues disabled in the lewisxhe fork?
I cannot understand why the problem was there since sept 2021 and is still not fixed.
What should people buying this board do with it, if the supplier cannot supply working software for it?
For me it was a frustrating experience...

Did LilyGo consider sending a free sample board to the main author of arduino ePaper software?

See also

I downloaded the lib here, so I was able to make 2.66 work.
anyway yeah, that sucks

I've been away for a while, since the repository is not maintained, the conflict has now been fixed, it's related to the update of the SDK