
T5 V2.3.1_2.13: Unknown E-Paper display, cannot find correct driver

vidhill opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a LILYGO® TTGO T5 V2.3.1_2.13 Inch E-Paper Screen New Driver Chip

The drivers for the e Ink display do not work,

I am using this example

I have the following line un-commented:

 #define LILYGO_T5_V213

I believe it is a different E-Paper display to the one referenced

The part number appears to be WF T0213CZ16 LW


I can compile and upload,
and I can see that it is running via the serial Monitor, but the display does not update, or render anything

The sketch that was on the board did refresh, so I do not appear to have a faulty board


I have discovered that the e-paper module labeled WF T0213CZ16 LW is in fact Good Display GDEW0213M21

I needed to include the correct library which is:

#elif defined(LILYGO_T5_V213)
// #include <GxDEPG0213BN/GxDEPG0213BN.h>    // 2.13" b/w  form DKE GROUP
#include <GxGDEW0213M21/GxGDEW0213M21.h>

This driver is not included in the GxEPD library..

I did find the right driver in randomly included in a number of github repo,

For anyone in the same situation as I was,
you need to install GxEPD then copy

  • GxEPD/src/GxGDEW0213M21.h
  • GxEPD/src/GxGDEW0213M21.cpp
  • GxEPD/src/BitmapExamples.h

from into GxEPD in you Arduino libraries folder