
Problem achieving 300uA deepsleep current on T5 2.13" v2.3.1

mgsb opened this issue · 2 comments

mgsb commented

I am trying to reproduce the stated 300uA deepsleep current for the 2.13" T5 version 2.3.1 with no LEDs and the DEPG0213BN display . I am measuring 760uA using the deepsleep example from the ESP32-C3 T-OI-Plus repo . Do you have an example I can try to reproduce your results? ESP-IDF or Arduino/PlatformIO code?

The following two sleep modes occupy different sleep currents. I remember that the sleep current of ext1 is the lowest.

esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(GPIO_NUM, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);
esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM, 0);

If you have any other issues, please reopen the issue