
Use TTGO-Camera-Plus to upload captured images to the BIGIOT platform every 10 seconds

Primary LanguageC

TTGO-Camera-Plus BigIOT platfrom

1.Install the following dependency library files:

2.TFT_eSPI settings

  • Move or copy camera_tft_def.h to TFT_eSPI/User_Setups/
  • Add #include <User_Setups/camera_tft_def.h> to TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h


Use TTGO-Camera-Plus to upload captured images to the BIGIOT platform every 10 seconds

  1. Registered account

  2. Create a device

  3. Add a data interface

  4. Change the definition in the code to your own device data

  5. View data

  6. View historical data