

Primary LanguageC#


一个可以定时在 pixabay.com 上爬图片,并将图片保存为壁纸的软件。

A software that can download pictures from pixabay.com at regular time, and save the pictures as the wallpaper.


换了接口,可以继续使用了。使用 bing.ioliu.cn 接口获取必应每日图片,感谢大佬的开源接口。

在此向 John's background switcher 表示致意。本人初学 c#,平时发现 JBS 在断网的情况下只会提示, 但不会自动转到本地图片进行更换,多感不便,因此决定写一个简单的壁纸更换软件。 一开始想在 500px.com 上爬图片,但由于本人资历尚浅,无法应对经过js处理的网页,只好选择 pixabay.com

Firstly, extend thanks to John's background switcher. I have learnt c# for a short time. Usually, I find when using JBS without Internet, it only show a tip, but not use local pictures as wallpaper automatically. I feel so unconvenient about it, so I decied to make a simple software that can change the wallpaper.


This is the first time that I programme a complete software by myself. If there are some disadvantages, please point them out.Think you so much.

使用软件请直接打开 showmeyourbackground.exe 进行使用即可,建议放在非 c 盘区域(桌面也不要放),用快捷方式放在桌面,因为图片会直接以软件位置为地址下载。

If you want to use the software, please open showmeyourbackground.exe directly. I recommend you to put the software in the disc which isn't C disc, because the picture will download in the location where the software placed.


Make the software running by click on the "开始" button. It also can runs in the background.










Version 2.0 发布

  • 更换图片源接口
  • Change the image source API.

旧版本使用网页爬虫直接下载 pixabay 的图片,但是由于它们更换了网站架构,使得爬虫失效。我也懒得重新去适配他们的新网站了,恰巧之前发现了 bing.ioliu.cn 这个 API 可以用,于是就换成这个了。缺点是不能使用图片分类了。


Version 1.3 发布

  • 增加有网络但不想下载图片的设置
  • Add a setting that you have net but dont want to fresh your pics.


hahaha,long time no see.


Version 1.2 发布

  • 修复在断网&&图库没图的情况下出错的问题。(会出现一个贴心且炫酷的提示哦~)

  • Repair the bug that make mistakes when there is no picture in the file and no Internet.(it will show a nice and cool tips)

  • 自动清除已存在48小时的图片(妈妈再也不用担心我的内存会爆啦),且会随机剩下一张,所以也不用担心没有背景啦。

  • Delete the pictures that have been here for 48 hours.(Don't worry that you don't enough memory)And it will make sure there is one picture left, so don't worry that you don't have wallpaper, either.


Version 1.1.1 发布

  • 紧急修复断网情况下更换类别时程序出错的问题。(虽然断网情况下选类别是没有任何用处的)

  • Repair the problem when changeing the category outline.(Althought it is useless to changeing the category outline)


  • 紧急修复从任务栏返回时不能选择类别的问题。

  • Repair the problem that you can't change the category when it comes back from the taskbar.

  • 在主页面添加暂停建。

  • Add a stop button at the main page.


Version 1.1 发布

  • 新增壁纸类型选项。(然而类型是照片作者自己写的,所以,你懂的)

  • You can choose the type of pictures now.(in fact, the types are made sure by the photographers themselves, so, you know what)

  • 新增“下一张”选项,跳过不喜欢的壁纸。(然而它仍然会下载下来,当你离线的时候会再次遇见它)

  • Add the option of "下一张" which can pass the dislike picture.(but it still will be download, when you are outline, you maybe will see it again)

  • 人性化细节优化。

  • Optimizing details of humanization.

  • 在网站还没刷新之前重复选同一类壁纸,会出现相同图片,这个问题以后再解决(如果还有以后的话)

  • There is a problem that choose the same type twice and it will download the same picture.I will solve this problem later.(if there is a 'later'...)


I can't believe that it can update in a such short time...hehe...


Version 1.0 发布啦 ! ! !

  • 下载图片自适应屏幕。

  • Download the pictures and make them fit the screen.

  • 支持最小化。

  • It can minimize now.

  • 可以选择换壁纸的间隔时间。

  • You can choose the time of changing wallpaper.

  • 细节优化。

  • Optimizing details.

  • 写了换壁纸时渐变的,然而好像没效果,回头再看看怎么回事,或者哪位大神来说说,感激不尽。

  • I write the codes baout gradually changeing wallpaper, but it seems that it can't work.I will find out the reason later, or someone great at it tell me, thanks a lot.


Anyway, I'm so happy about it, because this is my first software version.


  • 紧急修复网页刷新问题。
  • Repair the problem of reflash the web.


  • 完成更换桌面部分。

  • Complete the part of changeing the wallpaper.

  • 优化部分代码。

  • Optimizing details.


So far, the basic function of this software has completed. The next step is kinds of Optimizing and function updating.


The picture default place in the center. Change the wallpaper in each 24s.


  • 完成自动下载图片部分。
  • Complete the part of download the pictures automatically.


Click on "开始" and it will run.Download a picture to the file named File in each 24s.