
1Club is an innovative Cryptocurrency MERN Web application source. This Crypto theme is designed for businesses and individuals in the decentralized digital currency space. The 1CLUB BitCoin & cryptocurrency MERN template is an exclusive niche theme for Cryptocurrency Investments, Bitcoin Exchange, Mining related sites.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


for live example

1Club is an innovative Cryptocurrency MERN Web application source. This Crypto theme is designed for businesses and individuals in the decentralized digital currency space. The 1CLUB BitCoin & cryptocurrency MERN template is an exclusive niche theme for Cryptocurrency Investments, Bitcoin Exchange, Mining related sites.


Use the npm package manager npm to install iclub.

sudo apt install npm

cheak npm version

npm -v
node -v
npm install

Start Nodejs Dev Environment

cd client 
node app.js

1CLub Homepage

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Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
