
Topics/projects done at class.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Class Topic/Projects

These are the topics/projects covered in class.

CS 010C - Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

Topics include basic data structures such as arrays, lists, stacks, and queues. Covers dictionaries (including binary search trees and hashing) and priority queues (heaps). Offers an introductory analysis of algorithms, sorting algorithms, and object-oriented programming including abstract data types, inheritance, and polymorphism. Explores solving complex problems through structured software development.

CS 061 - Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming

An introduction to computer organization. Topics include number representation, combinational and sequential logic, computer instructions, memory organization, addressing modes, interrupt, input/output (I/O), assembly language programming, assemblers, and linkers.

CS 100 - Software Construction

Emphasizes development of software systems. Topics include design and implementation strategies and selection and mastery of programming languages, environment tools, and development processes. Develops skill in programming, testing, debugging, performance evaluation, component integration, maintenance, and documentation. Covers professional and ethical responsibilities and the need to stay current with technology.

Project Done: Movie Recommendation System.