Visual Grammar for Perl6


This is an extremely experimental project, and getting it to work requires checking out several git repositories.

Here are the installation instructions for those of you wanting to experiment:

  • First, check out my forthcoming Pango module:
$ git clone
  • Then checkout p6-GtkPlus
$ git clone
$ (cd p6-GtkPlus; zef install --deps-only .)
  • And finally, checkout Visual Grammar
$ git clone
  • Now finally run the project. Be prepared to wait a LONG time the first time you do this (Sorry!). Be sure to adjust the -I directives for your environment.
$ cd p6-VisualGrammar
$ perl6 --stagestats -I../p6-Pango/lib -I../p6-GtkPlus/lib -Ilib visual-grammar.pl6

Please share compile times and your environment from the last command, here.

I will work on making this all less complex, in time. Thanks for your interest!