PHPServerMonitor in Docker (Last version 3.1.1)
Last update : 08/09/2016 . Created repository with version 3.1.1
Please open issues onPHPServerMonitor
PHPServerMonitor is a script that checks whether your websites and servers are up and running. It comes with a web based user interface where you can manage your services and websites, and you can manage users for each server with a mobile number and email address.
Docker allows you to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.
More information :
This is the unofficial (updated when I can !) repository for PHPServerMonitor
I will update the repository every time there is a new version of PHPServerMonitor available
Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links
docker run --name phpservermonitor -p 80:80 -d quentinv/phpservermonitor:latest
- latest : Last version of PHPServerMonitor
For now, the only available tag is "latest"
Docker Compose
I created a docker-compose.yml with twi containers : PhpServerMonitor and MySQL
Docker Compose files
Database configuration
If you used my docker-compose.yml file you have to :
1 - Go on phpmyadmin : http://ip_of_your_server:81 (If you don't want to use phpmyadmin for security reasons you can just delete the container in my docker-compose.yml file and create your database with the command line from the container MySQL.) 2 - Create a database : monitor (you can use another name) 3 - Go on PhpServerMonitor : http://ip_of_your_server
- Database Host: mysql_container_name
- Database Name: monitor
- Database User: root
- Data Password: your_password
- Table Previx: psm_