
XenForo2 + Redis + Glue code

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


XenForo + Redis + Glue code

This add-on is based off Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis to provide a Doctrine Cache target for Redis.

Supports compression algos; gzip, lzf, lz4 (as l4z), snappy and zstd

Phpstorm Lua support

The plugin https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14698-luanalysis can be used to provide syntax highlighting and inspector support for lua

Igbinary Support

If igbinary is usable, this add-on defaults to using it as a serialize. To suppress this;

$config['cache']['config']['serializer'] = 'php';

404 on invalid css/less template

From v2.16.1+, css.php behaves like stock XF and now returns a stub response instead of a 404. For the old behaviour of returning a HTTP 404 response, set this config.php option:

$config['svForce404OnEmptyCss'] = true;


For best performance use: phpredis PECL extension

Sample Redis configuration for XenForo:

$config['cache']['enabled'] = true;
$config['cache']['sessions'] = true;
$config['cache']['provider'] = \SV\RedisCache\Redis::class;
$config['cache']['config'] = [
    'server' => '',
    'port' => 6379,

Authentication support

Redis supports username/password authentication. This is most common in cloud environments which use redis 6 (ie with a username), while older redis only supports just a password

$config['cache']['config']['username'] = 'myUsername'; // requires redis 6+, or for cloud redis installations
$config['cache']['config']['password'] = '....';

SSL/TLS support

$config['cache']['config']['server'] = 'ssl://';
// See https://www.php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php for details
$config['cache']['config']['tlsOptions'] = [
   'SNI_enabled' => true,


Loading Data from a single replica is possible, or alternatively Redis Sentinel support can be used high-availability. See http://redis.io/topics/sentinel for more information.

// Single Replica:
$config['cache']['config']['load_from_replica'] = [
    'server' => '',
    'port' => 6378,

If 'retry_reads_on_primary' is truthy then reads will be retried against primary when replica returns "(nil)" value (ie replica is not yet initialized).

Redis Sentinel Enable with:

$config['cache']['config']['sentinel_primary'] = 'mymaster';
$config['cache']['config']['server'] = '';

'server' now points to a comma delimited list of sentinal servers to find the primary. Note; the port must be explicitly listed

To load data from replicas use;

$config['cache']['config']['load_from_replicas'] = true;

This will prefer any replica with an IP matching an IP on the machine. This is fetched via the non-portable method:shell_exec("hostname --all-ip-addresses") To run on windows, or if shell_exec is disabled, you must define an 'replica_select_callable' attribute.

By default, a local replica is preferred, this can be changed by setting:

$config['cache']['config']['replica_select_callable'] = function (array $replicas) { 
        $replicaKey = \array_rand($replicas);
        return $replicas[$replicaKey];

Setting to false (or some non-callable) will fall back to a random replica.


New BSD License:

  • Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis
  • Credis

MIT Licensed:

  • XenForo Addon code