This library allows to match your existing response against your swagger/openapi docs.
- Does lookup in your docs, and finds schema defined for provided response
- Uses AJV to validate response body against found schema
- Provides nice and clean errors
- Framework/Stack agnostic (works with everything)
- OpenApi v3 support is not yet verified
import { ResponseValidator } from "response-openapi-validator";
const validator = new ResponseValidator({
// Also can be URL
openApiSpecPath: "./.temp/open_api_docs.json",
const response = await got("");
await validator.assertResponse({
method: response.request?.options?.method,
requestUrl: response?.request?.requestUrl,
statusCode: response?.statusCode,
body: response.body,
AJV is used to match found JSON schema against body. You can define AJV options by passing param:
const validator = new ResponseValidator({
// Also can be URL
openApiSpecPath: "./.temp/open_api_docs.json",
// You can see all AJV options here
ajvOptions: {
// I recommend to keep allErrors, verbose, and jsonPointers options enabled
allErrors: true,
verbose: true,
jsonPointers: true,
// Define additional JSON schema formats, if needed
formats: {
double: "[+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+",
int32: /^(-?\d{1,9}|-?1\d{9}|-?20\d{8}|-?21[0-3]\d{7}|-?214[0-6]\d{6}|-?2147[0-3]\d{5}|-?21474[0-7]\d{4}|-?214748[012]\d{4}|-?2147483[0-5]\d{3}|-?21474836[0-3]\d{2}|214748364[0-7]|-214748364[0-8])$/,
int64: /^\d+$/,
Sometimes API has prefix part, which is not defined in docs.
Real path:
Path defined in docs:
You can specify such prefix in options:
const validator = new OpenApiValidator({
apiPathPrefix: '/core'
openApiSpecPath: "./.temp/open_api_docs.json",
await validator.assertResponse({
method: response.request?.options?.method,
requestUrl: response?.request?.requestUrl,
statusCode: response?.statusCode,
body: response.body,