
Convert a base-10 or scientific E-notation value to a decimal form string.

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Convert a base-10 or scientific E-notation value to a decimal form string.


This method converts a base-10 or scientific E-notation value to a decimal form string. Javascript's IEE 754 double-precision numbers give the same precision as number.toString().

Kind: Exported function
Returns: string - The value converted to a decimal form string.

  • TypeError If value is not a valid format.
  • TypeError If value is a Symbol or not coercible.
Param Type Description
value number | string The value to be converted.


import toDecimalFormString from 'number-to-decimal-form-string-x';

toDecimalFormString(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER); // '-9007199254740991'
toDecimalFormString(-0); // '-0'

let number = 0.00000000001;
number.toString(); // '1e-11'
toDecimalFormString(number); // '0.00000000001'

number = 88259496234518.57;
console.log(number.toString()); // '88259496234518.56';
console.log(toDecimalFormString(number)); // '88259496234518.56'

console.log(toDecimalFormString(Math.PI)); // '3.141592653589793'
console.log(toDecimalFormString(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)); // '9007199254740991'

console.log(toDecimalFormString('0e+0')); // '0'
console.log(toDecimalFormString('1e-11')); // '0.00000000001'
console.log(toDecimalFormString('4.062e-3')); // '0.004062'
console.log(toDecimalFormString('4.461824e+2')); // '446.1824'

toDecimalFormString(NaN); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString(' 0'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('0 '); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('0.'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('.0'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('0x1'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('0o1'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('0b1'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('4.062 e-3'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('9 007 199 254 740 991'); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString('9,007,199,254,740,991'); // TypeError

toDecimalFormString(Symbol('0')); // TypeError
toDecimalFormString(Object.create(null)); // TypeError