
A sleek web-based hangman game built with Golang, HTML, and CSS. Features include a design for a seamless experience on all devices, and a high-performance backend for smooth gameplay. Enjoy this classic game with a modern twist!

Primary LanguageCSS

Hangman Web


Hangman Web is a modern web application for playing the classic game of Hangman. Designed with a Go tech stack, this project provides an interactive experience for guessing hidden words.


  • Interactive Hangman gameplay
  • Web user interface
  • Designed to be extended and customized


  • Go (see go.mod for specific dependencies)
  • HTML, CSS for the front-end

Project Structure

  • cmd: Executable scripts and application entry points.
  • internal: Application-specific source code, not intended to be imported.
  • pkg: Source code that can be utilized by other modules or applications.
  • resources: Static resources (images, CSS).
  • web: Files related to the web front-end of the application.


  1. Ensure you have Go installed on your machine.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Xplit495/hangman-web.git.
  3. Navigate to the project folder.
  4. Start the application with : go run .\cmd\main.go