
Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dream to Control

Danijar Hafner, Timothy Lillicrap, Jimmy Ba, Mohammad Norouzi

Note: This is the original implementation. To build upon Dreamer, we recommend the newer implementation of Dreamer in TensorFlow 2. It is substantially simpler and faster while replicating the results.

Implementation of Dreamer, the reinforcement learning agent introduced in Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination. Dreamer learns long-horizon behaviors from images purely by latent imagination. For this, it backpropagates value estimates through trajectories imagined in the compact latent space of a learned world model. Dreamer solves visual control tasks using substantilly fewer episodes than strong model-free agents.

If you find this open source release useful, please reference in your paper:

  title={Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination},
  author={Hafner, Danijar and Lillicrap, Timothy and Ba, Jimmy and Norouzi, Mohammad},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.01603},


Dreamer model diagram

Dreamer learns a world model from past experience that can predict into the future. It then learns action and value models in its compact latent space. The value model optimizes Bellman consistency of imagined trajectories. The action model maximizes value estimates by propgating their analytic gradients back through imagined trajectories. When interacting with the environment, it simply executes the action model.

Find out more:


To train an agent, install the dependencies and then run one of these commands:

python3 -m dreamer.scripts.train --logdir ./logdir/debug \
  --params '{defaults: [dreamer, debug], tasks: [dummy]}' \
  --num_runs 1000 --resume_runs False
python3 -m dreamer.scripts.train --logdir ./logdir/control \
  --params '{defaults: [dreamer], tasks: [walker_run]}'
python3 -m dreamer.scripts.train --logdir ./logdir/atari \
  --params '{defaults: [dreamer, pcont, discrete, atari], tasks: [atari_boxing]}'
python3 -m dreamer.scripts.train --logdir ./logdir/dmlab \
  --params '{defaults: [dreamer, discrete], tasks: [dmlab_collect]}'

The available tasks are listed in scripts/tasks.py. The hyper parameters can be found in scripts/configs.py.


  • Add debug to the list of defaults to use a smaller config and reach the code you're developing more quickly.
  • Add the flags --resume_runs False and --num_runs 1000 to automatically create unique logdirs.
  • To train the baseline without value function, add value_head: False to the params.
  • To train PlaNet, add train_planner: cem, test_planner: cem, planner_objective: reward, action_head: False, value_head: False, imagination_horizon: 0 to the params.


The code was tested under Ubuntu 18 and uses these packages: tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1, tensorflow_probability==0.6.0, dm_control (egl rendering option recommended), gym, imageio, matplotlib, ruamel.yaml, scikit-image, scipy.

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product.