Extra files for nimmis docker containers
This is the commands used inside nimmis based containers for extra functionality
In the default configuration Alpine is set to GMT time, if you need it to use the corret time you can change to timezone for the container with this command, syntax is
set_tz <timezone>
To get list of available timezones do
set_tz list
set timezone on startup
Add the environment variable TIMEZONE to the desired timezone, i.e to set timezone to CET Stockhome
docker run -d -e TIMEZONE=Europa/Stockholm nimmis/alpine-micro
set timezone in running container
Execute the command on the container as
docker exec -ti <docker ID> set_tz Europa/Stockholm
get list of timezones before starting container
Execute the following command, it will list available timezones and then remove the container
docker run --rm nimmis/alpine-micro set_tz list