
ESP32 Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy Guitar Hero Controller with battery and whammy bar support

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

BLEUltraGuitar - ESP32

ESP32 Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy Guitar Hero Controller

  • ⏩1000hz polling (loop time is about 15µs)
  • 🧵Multithreaded
  • 🪫Battery support
  • 👋Whammybar support
  • 🫠Mercury tilt switch
  • 🔬12 bit ADC which uses vref from efuse
  • 😴Deep sleep @ ~10µA - wakeup from RTC1 pins
  • 🚥LED Support from frets & strumbar (coming soon™️)


  • Open project from Platform.IO home screen
  • Define proper pins in config.h (or use the ones defined in there)
  • Click the PIO Icon on the left menu and select upload / upload & monitor under BLEUltraGuitar

Default Pins

- Green: 32 - Red: 33 - Yellow: 25 - Blue: 26 - Orange: 27 
- Strum up: 14 - Strum down: 12 - Start: 22 - Select: 19
- Tilt: 15 - Whammy: 36 - Battery: 39

$2.31 ESP32 with battery charging circuit + connector @ Aliexpress

I've personally ordered a few of these and I've not yet had a failing item.

There's also ESP32-S3 which will support USB host connection if you don't want to rely on 850hz BT 4.2 (even though it is more than enough)

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