
  • Object-oriented programming (inherit, up-cast, down-cast, interface)
  • Closure support
  • Multi-threading support
  • Generic programming (template support)


use Hoshi::IO;

func main () -> void {
    IO.println("Hello, Hoshi.");


Basic types

There are 6 kinds of basic types in hoshi-lang.

They are (int) Integer, (uint) Unsigned integer, (float) Decimal, (char) Character, (bool) Boolean, (rstr) Read-only string literal.


You must specify the target type explicitly in the casting statement.

Reference expression: as expression

Like these following code:

use Hoshi::IO;
use Hoshi::Str;

func main () -> void {
    var i : int = 128;
    var j : uint = i as uint;

String literals

String literals are read-only in hoshi-lang. They are rstr type. String literals can be joined to a Str object by Str.join() method.


Different expressions will have different priority.

  • MemberExpressions : .
  • StaticMemberAccessExpressions : ::
  • FunctionInvokingExpressions : ()
  • IndexExpressions : []
  • SingleExpressions : +() !() -() ~() ++ --
  • MultipleExpressions : * / %
  • AdditionExpressions : + -
  • BinaryMoveExpressions : << >>
  • LogicComparingExpressions : < <= > >= instanceOf implemented
  • LogicEqualExpressions : == !=
  • BinaryExpressions : & ^ |
  • BooleanExpressions : && ||
  • AsExpression : as
  • AssignmentExpressions : = += -= &= /= %= &= |= ^= ~= <<= >>=


use Hoshi::IO;
use Hoshi::Str;

interface Printable {
    virtual print () -> void;

class Foo {
    var name : Str;
    // new expression will invoke this method with `this` pointer without any other arguments
    // the default constructor will be the constructor without any arguments
    // if there's no default constructor, compiler will throw a exception.
    func constructor () -> void {
        // you must access members with `this`.
        this.name = "Foo";
    func say () -> void {
        IO.println( ("Watashino namae ha: " as Str) + name );

class Bar extends Foo {
    public name;
    public say;
    func constructor () -> void {
        this.name = "Bar";

func main () -> void {
    // compiler will push the object to heap without `new` expression
    var s : Foo = Foo();
  • Inheritance

    Classes in hoshi-lang can be inherited by extends.

    Compiler will create a super member for parent class.

    You can't access any member or method in parent class in outside. To make members or methods in parent class public, you can use public <method name>; to declare it in child class. After that, you can access this.super.blahblah by this.blahblah directly.

  • Interface

    Interface is a method table that means that a class implemented some feature, and they can return a result just like the interface.

    You can use interface to create an interface. Use class <classname> impl <interface_name> to make compiler know what interfaces are this class implemented.

    Use <class_name> as <interface_name> to covert a class to an interface.

    Inside the compiler, interface is a structure that saves some virtual method pointer, and the this pointer of the object.

  • Up-casting

    Up-casting means covert a child class to the parent class or interface.

Generic programming (Template)

use Hoshi::IO;
use Hoshi::Str;

template <typename T>
class Foo {
    var a : T;
    func constructor (a : T) -> void {
        this.a = a;
