The best dang Discord poll bot around™
poll: Is F# better than Python?
The bot will add 👍, 👎, and 🤷 (shrug) as reactions
poll: Where should we go for pizza? A Domino's B Papa John's (papa bless) C Giordano's
The bot will add 🇦, 🇧, 🇨, and 🤷 as reactions (You can also use numbers, but not 1234 or 10 for technical reasons)
You can also use right-parens and other emoji
poll: How should I punctuate whomstve? 🤔) whomst've :thonking:) whom'st've 🅱️) w'h'o'm's't've
🤔, :thonking: (if your server has it),
If you have a certain channel for which every message should be a poll, you can use the command: poll:prefixless. It works like this:
poll:prefixless #channel-here yes/no
If yes (or 1 or true), every message sent in that channel will be treated as a poll. You need the "manage roles" permission to change this setting.
Run this in psql
CREATE USER reactor; \password reactor CREATE DATABASE reactor WITH OWNER reactor;
And then copy data/config.example.json to data/config.json and fill out the appropriate values in the database section and all the other sections.
Next, install the database schema: psql reactor -f data/schema.sql
Now just pip install -e .
, preferably inside a venv.
And finally, to run the bot, you do python -m reactor_bot