
Towards Addressing Label Skews in One-Shot Federated Learning (ICLR 2023)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is source code for paper Towards Addressing Label Skews in One-Shot Federated Learning.

An example running script of FedOV is in run.sh.

Parameter Description
model The model architecture. Options: simple-cnn, vgg, resnet, mlp. Default = mlp.
dataset Dataset to use. Options: mnist, cifar10, fmnist, svhn
alg The training algorithm. Options: vote.
lr Learning rate for the local models, default = 0.01.
batch-size Batch size, default = 64.
epochs Number of local training epochs, default = 5.
n_parties Number of parties, default = 2.
comm_round Should be 1 for one-shot FL.
partition The partition way. Options: homo, noniid-labeldir, noniid-#label1 (or 2, 3, ..., which means the fixed number of labels each party owns)
beta The concentration parameter of the Dirichlet distribution for heterogeneous partition, default = 0.5.
device Specify the device to run the program, default = cuda:0.
datadir The path of the dataset, default = ./data/.
logdir The path to store the logs, default = ./logs/.
init_seed The initial seed, default = 0.

Some repos we refer to

General framework: https://github.com/Xtra-Computing/NIID-Bench

Adversarial attacks: directly use https://github.com/utkuozbulak/pytorch-cnn-adversarial-attacks

Cutpaste: use an unofficial reproduction from https://github.com/Runinho/pytorch-cutpaste. The authors of Cutpaste do not make code public.

Also include code from https://github.com/lwneal/counterfactual-open-set which is the code by authors of Open Set Learning with Counterfactal Images, ECCV 2018. However, since our FL partition settings are more diverse and complicated, we find it very hard to tune the hyper-parameters to generate good counterfactual images and the voting accuracy is low, so we do not call it in the final version.

In our code, we keep the commented or unused codes (functions). We tried these but did not get good results. After many trails and errors, we summarize the current DD and AOE functions. These trials may save efforts or bring some insights for future researchers, so we keep them.

For ResNet-50 experiments, since ResNet-50 has batch normalization layers, we have to mix train data and generated outliers in a batch, otherwise the model will become very bad. Please see folder resnet_code. Codes are like the following

x_con = torch.cat([x,x_gen11],dim=0)
y_con = torch.cat([target,y_gen],dim=0)
loss = criterion(out, y_con)

If you find our work useful, please cite

title={Towards Addressing Label Skews in One-Shot Federated Learning},
author={Yiqun Diao and Qinbin Li and Bingsheng He},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},