
A complete archive of BDobbinsFTW's YouTube channel.

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BDobbinsFTW Archive

What is this?

A complete archive of BDobbinsFTW's YouTube channel.


BDobbinsFTW's content, or Christian as I'll be referring to him from this point forward, represents everything gaming commentary content should be. His videos are not only relevant to gamers, but I'd argue pretty much anyone, as he frequently discusses a wide range of topics, and often has incredibly good advice to give along with life lessons. We've seen countless channels be taken down by YouTube, and it's impossible to calculate just how much amazing content has been lost over the years for a variety of reasons. Consequently, I decided it'd be worthwhile to make sure that Christian's content is forever preserved as best as possible. All his videos have been converted into MP3 files, and are hosted on the Internet Archive. This GitHub repository merely serves as a sort of index for his videos, an easy way to add new ones, and manage old ones.