
Integrating fiftyone image embeddings to web browser using plotly-dash.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository integrates fiftyone image embeddings to web browser using plotly-dash, so that user no longer need to use jupyter notebook or jupyter lab to preview and interact with image embeddings plot.


The program app_flask.py responsible to serve fiftyone application, while the program app_dash.py responsible to serve plotly plot on dash server. Both programs need to be run parallely in order to work as it should.

Run the following command on terminal to clone this repository, then execute run.sh to run app_flask.py and app_dash.py in parallel.

git clone https://github.com/Xu-Justin/fiftyone-plotly-dash.git
cd fiftyone-plotly-dash


Method Route Description
GET url:6001/embedding/<name> Display image embeddings plot of <name>.

This API will automatically send POST url:6001/compute, if <name>.pickle is not found on cache folder.
GET url:6001/fiftyone/<name> Display selected image embeddings scatter of <name> on fiftyone interface.
Method Route JSON Description
POST url:6001/compute
'name' :str
Compute image embeddings of <name> and saved the result to <name>.pickle on cache folder.
POST url:6001/fiftyone/update
'name' :str
'ids' :list
Update fiftyone view of to only contains images.
POST url:6001/fiftyone/save/view - Save current fiftyone session view to dataset.
POST url:6001/delete/cache - Delete all cache.


It is recommended to do the inference inside a docker container to prevent version conflicts. The container image for this project is available on Docker Hub and can be pulled using the following commands.

docker pull jstnxu/fiftyone-plotly-dash

The following commands will run the docker image.

docker run -it --ipc=host -v <local_fiftyone>:/root/.fiftyone/ -p <local_port>:6000-6003 --rm jstnxu/fiftyone-plotly-dash

This project was developed as part of Nodeflux Internship x Kampus Merdeka.