XL: Most C11 litmus tests in this repo would be very useful for my experiments. So I only adapt the tests to my need, the models and regression test are not touched. My adaptations:

  • Using latest herd7. (7.44+)

  • Litmus conditions of some tests have been augmented to cover all variables. This is to ensure that herd outputs full details of final state, so that I can summarize an exact +/- behavior boundary.

    • tests/a2.litmus has been modified in this way. The rest are modified elsewhere before forking this repo.

    • All those under tests/templates/ have been modified accordingly.

  • Slightly modify the variants generation .py.

    • The names doesn't contain variants/ any more. Otherwise, the extra / might induce some problems in my further processings.

    • Let ACCESS_CHOICE() may also return one in addition to zero.

  • Some more changes in tests w.r.t. herd v7.44.

    • SCAS replaced by expanded atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit, because SCAS is not recognized by herd7. Besides, the return value of SCAS is set to a fresh variable, otherwise herd7 would somehow fail to output the final states.

    • Always use atomic_int* instead of volatile int* for certain variables.

    • Fix some initial values errors for zero / one.

Some tests are not used:

  • appendixC.litmus and fig9.litmus under /tests/mappy/ because they are written in C11 (but no C). Acutally, I don't need the mappy directory..

  • fig6.litmus and fig6_translated.litmus under /tests are not used at the moment, because it took too long to generate their full executions..

Below is the original README:


Translation of C11 memory model from "Common Compiler Optimisations are Invalid in the C11 Memory Model and what we can do about it" (POPL '15)


Generating test variants

Assuming a bash shell:

$ cd c11popl15/tests/templates $ ./gen.sh

Running the regression

The following runs a short regression (45 tests) by skipping the long running fig6 test, only running the standard model over Appendix A and skipping all appendix test variants:

$ ./regression.py --skip-fig6 --skip-non-std-appendixA --skip-variants

Generating models

Models are generated from the template [c11.cat-template] using [genmodel.py]. Model options are given at the command-line. For example,

$ ./genmodel.py --RF Naive --SC SCnew --RS RSorig --ST STnew

generates the model (Naive, SCnew, RSorig, STnew). By default, the script will produce (ConsRFna, SCorig, RSorig, STorig). For all options use:

$ ./genmodel.py --help

Generating and running models

All commands passed after -- are passed automatically through to herd (which assumes that herd is in your path). For example:

$ ./genmodel.py --RF Arfna -- -o tmp tests/arfna.litmus

generates the model (Arfna, SCorig, RSorig, STorig) into [gen.cat] and then runs the test arfna.litmus with the herd command:

$ herd -conf c11.cfg -o tmp tests/arfna.litmus

The configuration file [c11.cfg] picks up the generated model.