
Chrome extension to do search

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Intelligent Browsing

This has two folders: extension and fake_backend. The extension folder is a Chrome extension to add search functionality, and the fake_backend is a temporary node backend to test making POST calls from the extension.

Running the server

First, install node - see instructions

Then you can start the server by:

cd fake_backend
npm start

The server right now just has one API endpoint, POST /search. It expects the body to be a JSON object like this:

    "search_text": "some",
    "doc_content": {
        "text_nodes": [
            "some text",
            "another text"
            "this is something some"

text_nodes is the nodeValue of all non whitespace DOM text nodes in the document, in the order in which they appear, and search_text is the text the user is searching for.

The response is a JSON array containing indexes from text_nodes that match, and the offsets of matching text within those nodes.

    "index": 0,
    "offsets": [[0, 4]]
    "index": 2,
    "offsets": [
      [8, 12],
      [18, 22]

Running the extension

In Chrome, load the extension unpacked from the extension folder. Then click on the extension toolbar button to load it. Type a search term, and press return.