Asterism is yet another functional toolbelt for Objective-C. It tries to be typesafe and elegant.
NSDictionary *reviewsByRating = ASTGroup(reviews, ASTLift0(rating));
// Log all five star ratings
ASTEach(reviewsByRating[@5], ^(XYReview *review) {
NSLog(@"%@", review);
XYReview *worstReview = ASTMin(reviews);
I'd like Asterism to eventually offer common methods for data structures for all of Cocoa's collections.
A notable feature of Asterism is that it allows you to lift selectores into blocks. Together with partial block evaluation, this allows you to write very concise code.
NSArray *files = @[ file1, file2, file3 ];
// Invoke -upload on all files
ASTEach(files, ASTLift0(upload));
XYUser *user = [XYUser me];
NSArray *posts = @[ post1, post2, post3 ];
// Invoke -[XYUser likePost:] on user with every post
ASTEach(posts, ASTPartial(ASTLift(likePost:), user));
Asterism currently supports the following operations: