
AbsurdJS Preprocessing plugin for Broccoli.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


NPM Build Status Dependency Status


Description AbsurdJS plugin for Broccoli using broccoli-filter

More information about the CSS and HTML preprocessor AbsurdJS can be found at https://github.com/krasimir/absurd. Whereas information about Broccoli which is the building asset pipeline this is for can be found at https://github.com/joliss/broccoli


Example from the included test Brocfile.js

'use strict';

// Require absurd and mergetrees to make the magic happen
var absurd = require('./index');
var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');

// Make a tree for both html and css files which are spilt into different directories
// as else absurd will try compile needless files wasting processing time
var htmlTree = 'test/pages';
var cssTree = 'test/styles';

// Create some options to pass into absurd when parsing the js files to turn into CSS
var htmlOptions = {
  morph: 'html', // Need to set it to morph to HTML
  data: { // Data to be put into the html
    name: 'Daniel Beauchamp'
  minify: true, // False by default in absurd, here for example
	root: __dirname // Set the root else it will import the file with relative pathing.

// Create some options to pass into absurd when parsing the js files to turn into CSS
var cssOptions = {
  morph: false, // Default is CSS
  minify: true,
	root: __dirname
// See more options on the absurdjs website/github linked in the README.md

// Htmlify the javascript files.
htmlTree = absurd(htmlTree, htmlOptions);
// Cssify the javascript files.
cssTree = absurd(cssTree, cssOptions);

// Export the joint tree made by merging the htmlTree and cssTree
module.exports = mergeTrees([htmlTree, cssTree]);


The object which is sent to the module is directly passed to AbsurdJS. So, for more information about the specific options check https://github.com/krasimir/absurd


> npm install -g broccoli-cli
> npm install -g mocha
> npm test


> npm install -g broccoli-cli
> npm install -g mocha
> broccoli build temp
> mocha