Frontend coding challenge


  • This codebase is based on create-react-app with typescript.
  • Please fork, complete your challenge, and create a PR to this repository.
  • How we assess your code:
    • Easy to understand
    • Well organized
    • Performance
    • Test cases
    • Your mindset when approaching a new technology
  • Don't worry if you can't complete this challenge in time. Just do your best in a mindful way.
  • If you can't fully complete the challenge, please note the completed features.

Simple app diagram

App diagram


Common (required for both positions)

  • Our codebase has some strange bugs and anti-patterns, please help us find and fix them (comment the reasons why you change it).
  • Write some tests (prefer unit tests) to help us ensure that what you have ADDED or FIXED are correct.

Front-end engineer

  • Use localStorage instead of calling remote APIs.
  • We've provided a simple UI for todo app, please enhance it with your creative mind (we prefer not using any CSS framework as we want to see your CSS skills).
  • Please help split huge code blocks in App.tsx into reusable UI components.
  • Kindly add some features to the application by:
    • Implementing the persistent feature. After refreshing, our todos will be disappeared, that's annoying for our users, let's use localStorage (or API calls for fullstack engineer) to keep them.
    • Implementing the edit feature. Currently, users cannot edit the todos, please help them (user double-click the todo to edit, press enter to apply the changes, or click outside to discard).

Fullstack engineer

How to run the app

  • Run yarn or npm install if this is the first time you clone this repo (master branch).
  • Run yarn start:fullstack in case you are doing a fullstack test, else run yarn start:frontend to start this project in development mode.
  • Sign in using username: firstUser, password: example

Last updated: 2021/08/01