
T-106.5300 Embedded Systems

Primary LanguageC

This is preproject demonstration for embedded systems


Following packages are needed in unix eniviroment to use this project. gcc-avr | Compiler and other utilities avr-libc | C libraries avrdude | Used to program the AVR device yaamake | Required to use projects Makefile. Packages for yaamake are in github source



This file contains files to be ignored by git. These files contain build result and other binary files. You should not put this type of files in git.


Makefile contains definitions and rules for the make program. This project uses yaamake to do all the heavy lifting so the Makefile is quite sort. More information and configuration variables can be viewed with make help.

When you change the demo.c filename to something else or add another source file, you need to edit SRC line in this file.


This is an alternative makefile that can be used without yaamake. If you want to use this instead the former, then rename this file to Makefile (overwrite the other file). If you dom't want to replace the other you can run make -f Makefile.alternative instead of make.

You can use this makefile if you don't want to or can't use yaamake.


This contains most of the source code for the pre-project.

Yaamake makefile usage

Makefile uses yaamake makefile system to simplify things. Yaamake contains all the information how to do things and Makefile only configurations for them.


command description
make runs make build
make build compiles and links your source files
make clean removes all build files (created by above command)
make program_check validate that avr device is connected and is programmable
make program program the AVR board (remember to connect the usb cable first)
make help yaamake's help message about these commands and variables to be defined in Makefile
make listen can be used to open serial listener (can be used to listen serial bytes send from your avr program. For that you need to implement USART functions. google avr usart)

Created files

All of this files are more or less useless to you. Basically these are used to get your code to the actual aVR device. You get rid of these by running make clean

This files are listed here, to give some reference.

command description
simpleled.elf Binary in ELF format (result of compiling and linking)
simpleled.hex Binary in hex format (raw binary bytes as hex). This is used to program the device.
simpleled.lss Disassembly (assembly code matched to your c code) Some what human readable, compared to elf and hex.
simpleled.map Object map
simpleled.sym Symbol map
.cache/* Build support files (object files, dependencies, etc.)

Alternative makefile

Alternative makefile is easy to extend, but offers less features. It is totally sufficient to pass the project.


command description
make compiles and links your source files
make clean removes all build files (created by above command)
make program_check validate that avr device is connected and is programmable
make program program the AVR board (remember to connect the usb cable first)
make sizedummy prints some size statistics of your binary

Created files

command description
simpleled.elf same as above
simpleled.hex same as above
simpleled.d source file dependencies for Makefile
simpleled.o compiled source file (object file)